Estimate Delivery

"Estimate Delivery Transit Time for your Ship Date"
Your items and gifts are shipped from Olympia, Washington State 98512

Please refer the the maps below to estimate the time in transit for items based on the ship date you select.

UPS Ground Transit Time Map

UPS Transit Notes
UPS does not guarantee shipments that are picked up or delivered between December 12 and December 25. When requesting ship weeks please also keep in mind the following UPS policies and holidays:
UPS transit time is calculated only for business day transit. Do not include weekends, UPS ground non-transit days, or the day of shipment in your calculation. UPS ground and UPS 3 Day Select non-transit days are Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. The day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, are "UPS air and international package" transit days only and are valid only for UPS 2 Day Air and UPS Next Day Air.

Ship Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before Thanksgiving to the East Coast
Arrival would be as follows:
UPS Ground - Wednesday to Friday of the following week
UPS 3 Day Select - Monday to Wednesday of the following week
UPS 2 Day Air - Wednesday before Thanksgiving or Monday of the following week
UPS Next Day - Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Wednesday before Thanksgiving, or Friday after Thanksgiving
